
Iron Man (2010)

  • HD
  • 16+
When Tony Stark branches his company into Japan, he is opposed by the nefarious Zodiac organization. It's up to Stark's Iron Man to defeat the Zodiac, and defend Japan.
# Title Air Date
1 Iron Man Arrives in Japan 01/10/2010 Download
2 Find the Missing Nuke 08/10/2010 Download
3 The Project Revived 15/10/2010 Download
4 Reunion 22/10/2010 Download
5 The Arc Station Infection 29/10/2010 Download
6 Electronic Warfare 05/11/2010 Download
7 Escape 12/11/2010 Download
8 The Girl 19/11/2010 Download
9 VS Iron Man 26/11/2010 Download
10 Iron Will 03/12/2010 Download
11 Mastermind 10/12/2010 Download
12 The Light in the Darkness 17/12/2010 Download
Image description
Keiji Fujiwara
Name Category Genres Release Date
Series Category Series Name Movie Name Release date
Category Genre Series Name Season Episodes Name Release Date
Category Genre Series Name Season Episodes Name Release Date