
My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003)

  • HD
  • 16+
My Life as a Teenage Robot is an American animated science fantasy television series, created by Rob Renzetti for Nickelodeon. It was Nickelodeon's first animated science fiction fairy tale. The series follows the adventures of XJ-9, better known as Jenny Wakeman, a robot girl designed to protect Earth, who is excessively addicted to teen-related activities, which are almost always interrupted by Nora Wakeman, her creator and mother.
# Title Air Date
1 Teen Idol 04/10/2008 Download
2 Good Old Sheldon 04/10/2008 Download
3 Girl of Steal 11/10/2008 Download
4 Mist Opportunities 11/10/2008 Download
5 Puppet Bride 18/10/2008 Download
6 Historionics 18/10/2008 Download
7 No Harmony with Melody 25/10/2008 Download
8 Tuckered Out 25/10/2008 Download
9 Stage Fright 01/11/2008 Download
10 Never Say Uncle 01/11/2008 Download
11 A Spoonful of Mayhem 08/11/2008 Download
12 Agent 00' Sheldon 08/11/2008 Download
13 Voyage to The Planet of The Bikers 15/11/2008 Download

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Janice Kawaye
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Candi Milo
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Chad Doreck
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Audrey Wasilewski
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Quinton Flynn
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Moira Quirk
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Cree Summer
Name Category Genres Release Date
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Category Genre Series Name Season Episodes Name Release Date